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Support to the Volta Basin Authority (VBA) for the implementation of the Volta-HYCOS Project

January 2009 – The Volta Basin Authority received a €1.2 million grant to enable the VBA and the National Hydrologic Services (NHS) of member states to deliver reliable hydrological information services to users and perform effective trans-boundary IWRM.


Support to SADC regional water supply and sanitation programme

June 2009- The Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) received a € 2 million grant to establish a regional, collaborative framework for effective water supply and sanitation planning and management to enable SADC member states achieve the water supply and sanitation targets of the MDGs by 2015 and the Southern African Water Vision. The framework consists of tools, measures and approaches to overcome the identified constraints to effective sector performance in the SADC states.

Photo courtesy of Nasa


Lake Victoria Basin Commission (LVBC)-Water and Sanitation Initiative: Preparation of investment plan for 15 centers

March 2008 - The East African Community (EAC) received a € 1 million grant to identify an integrated package of interventions for the long-term development of water supply and sanitation and environmental management services in 15 high priority secondary towns/centers, including water supply and sanitation improvement, solid waste management, and drainage improvement in key areas.


Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa – PIDA: Study for the development of transboundary hydraulic infrastructure

December 2009- The African Union Commission (AUC) received at € 1.2 million grant to finance the establishment of a strategic intervention framework for the development of regional and continental transboundary hydraulic infrastructure, based on a common development vision and sector policies; and for the establishment of an investment programme for transboundary hydraulic infrastructure around priorities defined by the basin organisations and regional economic organisations.


Reducing food insecurity, flooding and droughts in Uganda and South Sudan.

November 2014 – The Nile Equatorial Lakes Subsidiary Action Program (NELSAP) has received a €1.97 million grant to increase water availability for multiple purposes in the Nyimur region of Uganda and South Sudan. The grant will support the improvement of irrigated agriculture and food production, fisheries, electricity generation and sanitation as well as the prevention of flooding and droughts in the region.


Establishment of a monitoring and reporting system for the water sector in Africa

September 2013- The African Minister’s Council on Water (AMCOW) received a € 2 million grant to establish the African water and sanitation monitoring and reporting (M&E) system, to cover all aspects of water use. This will contribute to overcoming the lack of national and regional water and sanitation sector monitoring and reporting system in Africa, which is widely recognized as one of the critical constraints towards making informed decisions on the development and use of water resources.


Development of the Songwe River Basin

May 2010 - Governments of Tanzania and Malawi received a €4 million grant to support the investment preparation for the development of Songwe River Basin. The goal of the project is to contribute to improved living conditions of basin population and socio-economic development in the two countries. The specific objectives are to prepare designs and joint investment projects for implementation and create an effective enabling environment for transboundary water resources management (TWRM) in the Songwe River Basin.


Strengthening water and environmental engineering capacity in fragile states – 2IE

September 2008 - L’Institut international d’ingénierie de l’eau et de l’environnement (2iE) received a  €1.9 million grant to finance the education of 230 water engineering students hailing from fragile states, namely from Burundi, CAR, Chand Ivory Coast, Guinea, Liberia, The Republic of Congo, Rwanda and Sierra Leone,   as a way to provide these states with highly qualified engineers able to address their nation’s water and sanitation challenges and support national water resources management and development plans, and project implementation.


Togo-Ghana Trans-boundary Water Supply

December 2013 - Ghana Water LC received a €2.1 million grant to undertake feasibility studies of a public-private partnership for a water transfer project from the Volta in Ghana to Lome in Togo. The study includes an assessment of the environmental and social impact of the project and other technical assessments. The project is expected to provide water to 4 million people.


Development of the African Network Of Basin Organisations (ANBO)

December 2006 -The African Network of Basin Organisations (ANBO) received a €439,000 grant to consolidate and build its institutional capacity and operations, strengthen its interaction with other river basin organisations, with a view to increasing the number of basin members, creating new basin organisations and building the capacities of the existing ones. The project also seeks to help ANBO develop lasting relations with AMCOW, external support agencies, and other partners.

Photo courtesy of Nasa

