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Elaboration de la vision et de la stratégie du Secteur de l’Eau à l’horizon 2050 pour la Tunisie

La Tunisie, en raison de sa situation géographique entre la Méditerranée et le Sahara, est un pays aride sur la majeure partie de son territoire. Elle est classée parmi les pays se trouvant au-dessous du seuil de stress hydrique (450m3/an/hab. en 2015).


Development of a national water information system (SINEAU)

December 2009 - The Government of Tunisia received a €2 million grant to finance the setting up of a national water information system in Tunisia called SINEAU (Systeme d'Information National sur l'Eau), which is an integral part of the second phase of an investment programme in the water sector called PISEAU II. The project will help ensure that the supply of quality water meets the increasing demand due to population growth.

Photo courtesy of Nasa


Monitoring and evaluation for water in North Africa (MEWINA)

April 2010 - The Center for Environment and Development for the Arab Region and Europe (CEDARE) received a of €2 million grant to increase the six North-AMCOW countries capacity in water sector monitoring and evaluation (M&E) through the setting up of a mechanism that allows North-AMCOW to annually report on the status of the water sector, using harmonized and comparable information.


Development of Tunisia’s water vision and strategy 2050

January 2011 – The Government of Tunisia received a € 1 million grant to develop a national water vision and strategy to ensure the proper management of the country’s water resources up to 2050 and increase water security. This project will help the government make informed and guided decision about water investments and projects across the country.

Photo courtesy of Nasa


Ensuring long-term water safety in Tunisia

In order to manage water fairly, sustainably and efficiently, the African Water Facility (AWF) has approved a grant of 1.4 million euros to Tunisia. This donation will be used to implement the project entitled “Development of the vision and strategy of the water sector by 2050.” This project will take an integrated management approach on resources to contribute to the country’s socioeconomic development.


Geo-aquifer: North-Western Sahara Aquifer system water resources management Improvement

December 2006 -The Sahara and Sahel Observatory (OSS) received a €487,000 grant to finance the GEO-AQUIFER knowledge improvement and the Northern Sahara Aquifer System (SASS) Project. The project seeks to establish an information and knowledge base to support sustainable transboundary management of underground water resources of the northern Sahara aquifer at national and infra-regional levels.
