Alors que l'attention mondiale se tourne vers les Objectifs de développement durable (ODD) et la réalisation de l'accès universel à l'eau et à l'assainissement, il est clairement nécessaire de mobiliser des capitaux publics et privés pour aider à financer les infrastructures nécessaires. La Facilité africaine de l'eau joue un rôle déterminant en aidant les pays africains à préparer des projets susceptibles d'être financés afin de répondre aux besoins croissants d'investissement pour le développement et la gestion des ressources en eau en Afrique.


Alors que l'attention mondiale se tourne vers les Objectifs de développement durable (ODD) et la réalisation de l'accès universel à l'eau et à l'assainissement, il est clairement nécessaire de mobiliser des capitaux publics et privés pour aider à financer les infrastructures nécessaires. La Facilité africaine de l'eau joue un rôle déterminant en aidant les pays africains à préparer des projets susceptibles d'être financés afin de répondre aux besoins croissants d'investissement pour le développement et la gestion des ressources en eau en Afrique.

Cliquez sur les cartes des pays ci-dessous pour avoir plus de détails sur les projets ayant bénéficié du financement de la FAE.

Country/Region Senegal Western
Name of project Supporting for the development of the Ziguinchor sanitation master plan.
Type of study Masterplan
Nature of investments proposed in the studies Waste Water Management Netwotk, 29 km and 1459 connections 57 273 On-site sanitation infrastrures Waste water treatment Plant
Estimated cost of investment (Euro million) 78
Downstream financing commited (Euro million) 6,7
Investment gap (Euro million) 71,3
Key donors (Pledges in Millions) AfDB (5.9), RWSSI TF (0.8)
Country/Region Mozambique Southern
Name of project COFAMOSA Irrigation Project integrated study and preparation
Type of study "Feasibility study and detailed designs PPP models "
Nature of investments proposed in the studies Irrigation Infrastructure / Dam
Estimated cost of investment (euro) 159 601 840
Downstream financing commited (Euro million) 145 000 000
Investment gap 14 601 840
Key donors (Pledges in Millions) Private (149.3), Bilateral (Italian consortium of investors) (70),Gov. (77)
% commitments made 91%
Country/Region Mozambique Southern
Name of project Feasibility Studies for Building Climate Resilience of Limpopo Basin
Type of study "Multipurpose dam PPP models "
Nature of investments proposed in the studies Multipurpose dam
Estimated cost of investment (euro) 917 751 641
Downstream financing commited (Euro million) 0
Investment gap (euro) 917 751 641
Key donors (Pledges in Millions) None
Country/Region Ethiopia Estern
Name of project Use of Solar and Wind Energies for Rural Water Supply in Ethiopia
Type of study Feasibility study and design for wind and solar enegy water pumping technology
Nature of investments proposed in the studies Solar and wind energy water pump technologies
Estimated cost of investment (euro) 784 777,71
Downstream financing commited (Euro million) 0
Investment gap 784 777,71
Key donors (Pledges in Millions) None
Country/Region Egypt Northern
Name of project Comprehensive Study and Project Preparation for the Rehabilitation of the Nubaria and Ismailia Canals
Type of study Prefeasibility study for Nubia and Ismaila Canals
Nature of investments proposed in the studies Canal rehabilitation to control seepage and water discharge rates
Estimated cost of investment (Euro million) 95,4
Actual downstream financing commited (Euro million) 0
Investment gap (Euro million) 95,4
Key donors (Pledges in Millions) None
Country/Region Madagascar Southern
Name of project Development of Sanitation Master Plans for improvement of 8 Secondary Urban Centres of Madagascar
Type of study
Nature of investments proposed in the studies Master Plan study for 1 town completed and the renainder to be done in phases .Proposed Investment to target construction works for Sludge Drainange, Storm Water and Solid Waste
Estimated cost of investment (euro) 38 915 812,55
Downstream financing commited (Euro million) 0,00
Investment gap 38 915 812,55
Key donors (Pledges in Millions) None
% commitments made 0%
Country/Region Niger Western
Name of project Development and Implementation of a Niger Integrated Water Resource Management (IRWM) Plan
Type of study Integrated water resource management plan
Nature of investments proposed in the studies
Estimated cost of investment (euro) 113 360 000
Downstream financing commited (euro) 870 000 (1% of total estimated investment cost)
Investment gap (euro) 112 490 000
Key donors (Pledges in Millions) Cooperation Suisse (0.4), Cooperation Danida (0.3) Oxfam (0.88), WB (0.3)
Country/Region Gabon Central
Name of project Updating of urban storm water drainage infrastructure development studies in Gue-Gue Lowe-IAI and Terre Nouvelle Basin in Libreville
Type of study Feasibility study and engineering designs
Nature of investments proposed in the studies Storm Water Structures for 3 sub basin - One basin already funded by AfDB
Estimated cost of investment (Euro million) 232,7
Downstream financing commited (Euro million) 216.1 (93% of total estimated investment cost)
Investment gap (Euro million) 16,6
Key donors (Pledges in Millions) BDEAC (61), IDB (45.1), AFD (110.0), BEI (72)
Country/Region Somalia Eastern
Name of project Building resilience to water stress in Somaliland - Preparation of Water Resources Management and Investment Plan
Type of study Integrated water resource management investment plan under development expected to complete in October 2018
Nature of investments proposed in the studies Dam infrastructure , hydropower and irrigation
Estimated cost of investment (euro) 440 721 911,18
Downstream financing commited (Euro million) 0,00
Investment gap 440 721 911,18
Key donors (Pledges in Millions) None
Country/Region Somalia Southern
Name of project Feasibility studies for the Nondvo Dam Multipurpose Scheme.
Type of study "Prefeasibility study for Nubia and Ismaila Canals Detailed semi detailed designs "
Nature of investments proposed in the studies
Estimated cost of investment (euro) 26 702 323,07
Downstream financing commited (Euro million) 0,00
Investment gap 26 702 323,07
Key donors (Pledges in Millions) None
Country/Region Cape Verde Western
Name of project IWRM Surface Water Resource Development and Strengthening Project
Type of study Feasibility Studies for 5 Dams
Nature of investments proposed in the studies Dam Infrasructure
Estimated cost of investment (Euro million) 82
Downstream financing commited (Euro million) 0
Investment gap (Euro million) 82
Key donors (Pledges in Millions) None
Country/Region Seychelles Southern
Name of project Seychelles Sanitation Master Plan
Type of study Master plan
Nature of investments proposed in the studies Sewerage infrastructure
Estimated cost of investment (euro) 100 363 535,89
Downstream financing commited (Euro million) 0
Investment gap 100 363 535,89
Key donors (Pledges in Millions) Kuwait Funds (10 million ) to support 2 identified investments , EU also interested pending government request
% commitments made 0%
Country/Region Seychelles Southern
Name of project Water Supply Development Plan for 2008-2030.
Type of study Strategic Plan and Financing plan
Nature of investments proposed in the studies Fresh Water Lagoon Project
Estimated cost of investment (euro) 199
Downstream financing commited (Euro million) 75
Investment gap 124,2
Key donors (Pledges in Millions) AfDB (19), AFD, (10.0) EIB (26.6), Gov. (60.0), EDF(2.4), AWF (1.4),
% commitments made 38%
Country/Region Sudan Estern
Name of project Darfur water project for conflict resolution and peace building
Type of study Bankable investment plans for 15 to 20 towns in 3 Durfur States
Nature of investments proposed in the studies Water supply infrastructure , Governance
Estimated cost of investment (euro) 309 774 442,09
Downstream financing commited (Euro million) 0,00
Investment gap 309 774 442,09
Key donors (Pledges in Millions) None
Country/Region Lesotho Southern
Name of project Rural Water and Sanitation Investment Planning Framework Formulation.
Type of study Strategic Investment Plan
Nature of investments proposed in the studies Governance
Estimated cost of investment (euro) 368 508 068
Downstream financing commited (Euro) 10 900 000
Investment gap (Euro) 357 608 068
Key donors (Pledges in Millions) AfDB (7.5), RWSSI TF (3.6)
Country/Region Congo Brazzaville Central
Name of project Development of Water Supply and Sanitation in 5 semi-urban centres and capacity building for implementing the Water Sector Development Fund.
Type of study Feasibility stidies and designs , Strategic Plan for Water Supply and Sanitation for each Town and Institutional Framework tools for management of a Water Fund
Nature of investments proposed in the studies Water supply and saniatation infrastructure
Estimated cost of investment (euro) 148 332 892,85
Downstream financing commited (Euro million) 0
Investment gap (euro) 148 332 892,85
Key donors (Pledges in Millions) None
Country/Region Malawi Southern
Name of project Shire Valley Irrigation Project -Phase I: Project preparation
Type of study Feasibility study and irrigation plan covering 21,000 ha of land area , Environment and Social Impact Assessment
Nature of investments proposed in the studies Irrigation Infrastructure- Dam
Estimated cost of investment (euro) 359 000 000
Downstream financing commited (euro) 140 260 000 (39% of total estimated investment cost )
Investment gap (euro) 218 740 000
Key donors (Pledges in Millions) World Bank (€135.52), AfDB (€42.35), GEF (€4.73), Gov. (€42.35)
Country/Region Swaziland Southern
Name of project Feasibility studies for the Nondvo Dam Multipurpose Scheme
Type of study Prefeasibility Study for Nubia and Ismaila Canals
Nature of investments proposed in the studies
Estimated cost of investment (euro) 26 702 323,07
Downstream financing commited (Euro million) 0
Investment gap (euro) 26 702 323,07
Key donors (Pledges in Millions) None
Country/Region Multi (African Union Commission) Africa
Name of project Transboundary Water Resources Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA)
Type of study Assesments of action plans for the following 3 components - Transboundary Water Resources , Transport, Electricity and IT
Nature of investments proposed in the studies 9 priority projects on hydropower and multipurpose dams
Estimated cost of investment (Euro million) 478,1
Downstream financing commited (Euro million) 0
Investment gap (Euro million) 478,1
Key donors (Pledges in Millions) None
Country/Region Multinational (ECCAS Countries) Multinational
Name of project ECCAS/CEEAC Regional Water Policy
Type of study Feasibility Study for Water Information System (WIS)
Nature of investments proposed in the studies Formulation of a basin organisation under ECCASS that would manage 4 basins : Ogooue , Ntem , Nyanga , Komo
Estimated cost of investment (Euro million) 192
Downstream financing commited (Euro million) 0
Investment gap (Euro million) 192
Key donors (Pledges in Millions) Govt (41), Foundation (6.8) , NEPAD
Country/Region Multinational (Senegal , Guine, Gunea Bisau ) Western
Name of project Kayanga Geba River Basin IWRM/OMVG Plan
Type of study Feasibility Study
Nature of investments proposed in the studies Detailed Studies for Agricultural Water Management and Regulation Infrastructures in Kayenga-Geba River
Estimated cost of investment (euro) 25 782 943
Downstream financing commited (euro) 0
Investment gap (euro) 25 782 943
Key donors (Pledges in Millions) None
Country/Region Multi (Burundi, Rwanda ) Eastern
Name of project Integrated Management of Trans-boundary Water Resources of Lakes Rweru , Cychoha and the Akanyaru Marshland
Type of study Three integrated management and development plans (with projects investment profiles for the lakes and the marshlands)
Nature of investments proposed in the studies Master Plan
Estimated cost of investment (Euro million) 94,20
Downstream financing commited (euro) 0
Investment gap (Euro million) 94,20
Key donors (Pledges in Millions) Gov. (41), Foundation (6.8)
Country/Region Multi (Malawi, Tanzania ) South and Eastern
Name of project Songwe River Basin Development Programme (SRBDP)
Type of study Multipupose dam to generate 180 mega watts of electricity, 6000 ha irrigated land and water supply
Nature of investments proposed in the studies Multipurpose dam
Estimated cost of investment (Euro million) 341,6
Downstream financing commited (euro) 0
Investment gap (Euro million) 341,6
Key donors (Pledges in Millions) AfDB (€ 84.70), GEF (€5.4), ALSF (€1.27), IPPF (€0.42)
Country/Region Multi (Ethiopia, South Sudan and Sudan) Eastern
Name of project Baro-Akobo-Sobat Multipurpose Water Resources Development Study
Type of study Integrated Water Resources management plan Strategy , Strategic Social and Environmental Assessment (SSEA) ,3 Short term development projects
Nature of investments proposed in the studies Governance, hydropower , irrigation , aquaculture and water shed management infrastructure
Estimated cost of investment (euro) 92 835 076,54
Downstream financing commited (euro) 0
Investment gap (euro) 9 2835 076,54
Key donors (Pledges in Millions) None
Country/Region Multi (DRC, Burundi, Rwanda) Multi
Name of project Programme Régional de Développement Intégré de la plaine de la Ruzizi - PREDIR
Type of study Integrated Water Resources management plan Strategy , Strategic Social and Environmental Assessment (SSEA) ,3 Short term development projects
Nature of investments proposed in the studies Irrigation Infrastructure
Estimated cost of investment (euro) 1 424 123,9
Downstream financing commited (euro) 0
Investment gap (euro) 1 424 123,9
Key donors (Pledges in Millions) None
Country/Region Multi (Uganda , Kenya , Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda ) by Lake Victoria Basin Multi
Name of project Lake Victoria Basin Commission Water and Sanitation Initiative
Type of study Feasibility Studies, Detailed design , Environmental Impact Assessment , Investment plan for reginal water supply and sanitation
Nature of investments proposed in the studies Water Supply and Sanitation, solid waste and drainange Infrastructure
Estimated cost of investment (euro) 136 862 430
Downstream financing commited (euro) 92 300 000
Investment gap (euro) 44 562 430
Key donors (Pledges in Millions) AfDB (82.0), Gov. (10.3)

Click on the link below to see ongoing bankable projects under preparation by the African Water Facility

Ongoing bankable projects