The African Water Facility (AWF) has initiated the preparation of three urban projects in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger. These projects fall under "Improving access to climate resilient safe water supply and sanitation services in the Sahel and Horn of Africa" program with support from the Nordic Development Fund (NDF) and Denmark.
The joint program intends to bolster investments in COVID-19 recovery and improve the quality of life of vulnerable communities through provision of investments in climate-resilient water supply, sanitation, and water resources management activities.
The AWF technical team undertook field missions in three Sahel countries in November and December 2021 to initiate preliminary activities which consist of three main components: (i) immediate interventions for the prevention of COVID-19 through extension of drinking water and sanitation services to the most vulnerable populations in the capitals of the three countries ; (ii) preparation of climate change resilient investment projects ; (iii) capacity building activities for stakeholders including COVID-19 awareness and climate change resilience.
The field missions enabled AWF experts to work with the local authorities of the three countries, to visit the beneficiary areas and to finalize preparation of activities that the projects will finance. The appraisal process of these projects is scheduled for early 2022.
In February 2021, NDF made a financial commitment of $8.8 million to AWF to fund this program. Subsequently in December 2021, the government of Denmark joined forces with the Nordic Development Fund and committed $30.1 million to support similar projects in rural areas of Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger and Somalia.
In the long run, the joint program shall contribute to achieving the sustainable development goals on poverty reduction, health and well-being, gender equality, clean water and sanitation, decent jobs and green growth, sustainable cities, climate action and partnerships.