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Monitoring and Evaluation

Institutional support to the water and sanitation sector

July 2009 – The Government of the Central African Republic received a € 2 million grant to establish an institutional and regulatory framework to strengthen water and sanitation sector governance and institutional capacity to attract additional funding and make more sustainable investments. The project is expected to enhance national capacities in the sector in terms of water governance, monitoring, management and planning of water resources.


Development of an integrated water information system

January 2009 - The Government of Togo received €1.6 million grant to develop and operationalize a national water information system. This entails improving and intensifying infrastructure providing data and information on water at the Ministry of Water Resources and related organisations, maintaining and upgrading the existing hydrological and climatic observation networks, building the capacity of the staff in water data and information management, and ensuring better water sector information coordination.


Strengthening monitoring and evaluation (M&E) activities of the water sector

January 2010 - The Government of Malawi received a € 2 million grant to will finance strengthen the water sector monitoring and evaluation (M&E) activities in Malawi. The purpose of this M&E project is to ensure the availability of reliable data and information in the water sector to track the achievement of development targets policies programmes and projects, and to facilitate decision-making in planning and managing the sector. The project aims to strengthen institutional capacity for water sector data and information generation, collection, storage and analysis.


Monitoring and evaluation for water in North Africa (MEWINA)

April 2010 - The Center for Environment and Development for the Arab Region and Europe (CEDARE) received a of €2 million grant to increase the six North-AMCOW countries capacity in water sector monitoring and evaluation (M&E) through the setting up of a mechanism that allows North-AMCOW to annually report on the status of the water sector, using harmonized and comparable information.


Establishment of a monitoring and reporting system for the water sector in Africa

September 2013- The African Minister’s Council on Water (AMCOW) received a € 2 million grant to establish the African water and sanitation monitoring and reporting (M&E) system, to cover all aspects of water use. This will contribute to overcoming the lack of national and regional water and sanitation sector monitoring and reporting system in Africa, which is widely recognized as one of the critical constraints towards making informed decisions on the development and use of water resources.


Nile Basin Authority support for Niger HYCOS project

October 2006 - The Niger Basin Authority (NBA) received a € 1,2 million grant to collect reliable, quality hydrological data and information on the Niger River Basin for more effective management by NBA and Member Countries of the water resources. This project is particularly important to improve planning and development activities.

Photo courtesy of Nasa


Capacity building for decentralized integrated water resources management (IWRM)

April 2008 - The Government of Burkina Faso received a € 450,000 grant to strengthen the Government’s institutional capacity and performance for monitoring water resources and water use in the country and developing adequate regulation for the effective implementation of Burkina Faso's IWRM Plan. The IWRM is part of the Government’s plan to boost water security issues through improved management and development of its water resources.


CICOS-Preparation of the Strategic Action Plan for the integrated water resources management of the Congo River Basin

May 2007 - The International Commission for the Congo-Ubangi-Sangha Basin (CICOS) has received a €1.9 million grant to prepare a strategic action plan for the integrated water resources management of the Congo River Basin.
