November 2014 – The Nile Equatorial Lakes Subsidiary Action Program (NELSAP) has received a €1.97 million grant to increase water availability for multiple purposes in the Nyimur region of Uganda and South Sudan.
January 2010 - The Government of Malawi received a € 2 million grant to will finance strengthen the water sector monitoring and evaluation (M&E) activities in Malawi.
December 15, 2014 – The Government of Mozambique has received a 3.4 million grant to conduct a feasibility study for the development of a climate adaptation project in the lower Limpopo region.
January 2010 - The Government of Mali received a €2 million grant to put in place an appropriate framework to improve water knowledge, develop useful tools in order to ensure a better allocation of resources among users, and increase national capa
November 2014- The Government of Somalia has received a €3-million grant to support a project designed to build resilience to climate change and reduce water stress in Somaliland.
December 2009- The African Union Commission (AUC) received at € 1.2 million grant to finance the establishment of a strategic intervention framework for the development of regional and continental transboundary hydraulic infrastructure, based on a