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African Water Facility Selects New Water and Sanitation Projects

30 October 2023

The African Water Facility has selected 80 new climate focused water and sanitation projects into its 2023 rolling project preparation pipeline.

In April 2023, the African Water Facility launched  a call for proposals with emphasis on projects of  high impact, transformative, catalytic, focused on climate adaptation and aligned with the Facility’s strategic intervention areas. In response to this call, the Facility received 416 proposals with a total project preparation estimate of over EUR 1.0 billion. The selected projects have a total project preparation cost estimate of over EUR 300 million, with potential to trigger over EUR 4.0 billion in downstream investment and benefit 625 million people.

The selection was carried out using a set of criteria which was based on the call for proposal guidelines. Consideration was given to equity and balanced investment, geographical distribution across Africa regions and countries, sub-sector balance, strategic pillar alignment, urban and rural, water and sanitation, national and multi-national factors, with special attention to often disadvantaged Central Africa and Island, and Horn of Africa states.

The rolling project pipeline aligns with Facility’s revised strategy, enables additional resources mobilisation and strengthens its support to member countries, towards the attainment of the Africa Water Vision 2025, African Union Agenda 2063, Paris Agreement for climate action, and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.


Footnote: The African Water Facility is always on the lookout for climate focused-bankable projects to scale-up and accelerate interventions in the water and sanitation sector in Africa. To find out more about our general eligibility criteria and application process, click here.