Dossiers Politiques

Promote sustainable socio-economic growth through climate resilient water resources development
South Africa : Promote sustainable socio-economic growth through climate…
Preparation of climate resilient water resources investment strategy and multipurpose project for the orange-senqu river basin (OSRB-PCRWRIS&MP)
South Africa : Social franchising for operations and maintenance  of school sanitation facilities and demonstration  of on-site faecal sludge treatment in east london,  eastern cape.
South Africa : Un-sewered Sanitation Improvements for the Urban-Poor
South Africa : Social franchising for operations and maintenance of school sanitation facilities and demonstration of on-site faecal sludge treatment in east london, eastern…
Preliminary Studies of Multi-Purpose Infrastructures
Niger : Preliminary Studies of Multi-Purpose Infrastructures
Integrated agricultural development and climate change adaptation programme in the niger basin (pidaacc/bn).
Togo : Amélioration de l’assainissement non collectif pour les pauvres en milieu urbain
Togo : Amélioration de l’assainissement non collectif pour les pauvres en…
Des toilettes pour tous à Sokodé grâce à la valorisation des boues fécales et au microcrédit
Ouganda : Amélioration de l’assainissement non collectif pour les pauvres en milieu urbain
Ouganda : Amélioration de l’assainissement non collectif pour les pauvres en…
Projet d'amélioration de l'assainissement des zones urbaines pauvres de Kawempe (kupsip)
Ghana : Un-sewered Sanitation Improvements for the Urban Poor
Ghana : Un-sewered Sanitation Improvements for the Urban Poor
A business approach for improved sanitation – organic fertilisers and energy as drivers, ashaiman.