Scaling up integrated rainwater harvesting and management and complimentary livelihood systems in semi-arid districts of Kenya

Scaling up integrated rainwater harvesting and management and complimentary livelihood systems in semi-arid districts of Kenya



July 2012 - The Kenya Rainwater Association (KRA) received € 690,000 grant to mainstream rainwater harvesting and management (RHM) in response to rural development challenges posed by climate change in drought prone regions of Kenya. The purpose is to promote scaling up of integrated RHM systems and complementary technologies in Baringo, Kiambu and Laikipia,  three semi-arid districts of Kenya, share experiences among stakeholders, and review current policies and strategies, with the aim of influencing government and development partners’ policy towards adoption of innovative and sustainable dryland development. The project will influence policy through the evaluation of past projects in a number of semi-arid districts, and the demonstration of the impacts of integrating RHM with complementary livelihood systems.

Photo courtesy of Nasa