About Us

Our History

Established in 2004, the African Water Facility (AWF) received its funding in 2005 and became operational in 2006, when it funded its first project: Support for the creation of the Volta River Basin Authority.
2017 – 2025
African Water Facility’s Strategy 2017-2025 is its roadmap for the third strategic planning period 2017-2025. The strategy was revised in 2021 to integrate two other trust funds – the Multi-donor Water Partnership Program (MDWPP) and Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Initiative (RWSSI) – and align the Facility’s operations with the African Development Bank’s new Water Policy (2021) and Water Strategy (2021-2025). The strategy outlines 22 actions that support the achievement of the long-term goal of “improved quality of life for urban and rural communities in Africa”, with actions under four strategic pillars: project preparation and promotion, catalytic investments, investment promotion, and water governance.
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2012 – 2016
The new Strategic Plan 2012 – 2016 confirms the focus of African Water Facility grants and technical assistance will be on Project Preparation, Water Governance and Water Knowledge.
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Analysis of the first six years of operation shows the African Water Facility has made grants covering 73 projects in 50 countries including Africa’s most vulnerable states. On average each €1 contributed by the African Water Facility has attracted €20 in additional follow-up investments.
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The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation becomes the first private donor to African Water Facility.
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2006 – 2010: Additional funding
Additional funding and pledges from the African Development Bank, Algeria, Australia, the European Commission, France, the United Kingdom, Senegal and Spain brings the total fund up to €127.1m.
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2006: African Water Facility operations commence
The African Water Facility commences operation and approves its first project on March 25, 2006. The first project is Support for the creation of the Volta River Basin Authority.
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2005: Initial funding
The initial funding for the establishment of the African Water Facility is provided by Canada, with a total pledge of €12.9m. Austria, Denmark, Norway and Sweden also made pledges, creating a starting fund of €45.1m.
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2004: The creation of the African Water Facility
The African Water Facility is legally established by the Board of Governors of the African Development Bank, at its Annual Meeting in Kampala on 25 May 2004 by approving the Instrument for the establishment of the African Water Facility Special Fund.
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Helping Africa meet its water challenges


The Objective of the African Water Facility

The objective of the African Water Facility is to mobilize and deploy financial and human resources to ensure water security in Africa, and thus contribute to the achievement of the targets and objectives set by the African Water Vision for 2025 and the Sustainable Development Goals - 2030.

The African Water Facility mission

He African Water Facility's mission is to be "the main instrument for water in Africa providing assistance and facilitating the mobilization of resources to address the huge investment gap that is needed for the development of water infrastructure".

The African Water Facility mandate

Created by the African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW), the mandate for African Water Facility is to work with regional member countries of the African Development Bank (AfDB), political subdivisions or agencies working within these countries, or regional agencies or institutions concerned with water resource development in Africa.


The vision of the African Water Facility is ‘Towards water for all by 2025’, which implies ensuring water for all citizens for all uses – drinking, hygiene, sanitation, industry, agriculture, energy, transport, tourism and ecosystems.
Our Values
Quest for the highest level of performance through continuous improvement of our skills and business practices
Team Spirit
Working together in a spirit of creativity and mutual respect to achieve common objectives
Observing the highest standards of ethics, honesty and accountability at all times
Delivering the best quality service to our clients with utmost rigour and efficiency
Acting with clarity, equity and objectivity in designing, interpreting and applying Bank policies and procedures

The African Water Facility prepares projects, promotes water knowledge, and supports water governance systems.

Our strategic focus is on Project Preparation, Water Knowledge and Water Governance, providing grants and technical assistance to ensure that projects are bankable, viable and future-proofed, with a clear opportunity for effective implementation.

The Governing Council

The Governing Council decides the general policy and direction of the African Water Facility. It is made up of 13 members appointed by AMCOW, donors to the fund, the African Development Bank, the African Union and UN-Water/Africa.

The Governing Council meets twice a year and is made up of:

  • 5 members appointed by AMCOW
  • 5 members appointed by donors
  • 1 member appointed by the African Development Bank
  • 1 member appointed by the African Union (represented by NEPAD Secretariat)
  • 1 member appointed by UN-Water/Africa
The Chairperson is appointed by the Governing Council and serves a two-year term.


From 2006 to 2023, the AWF mobilised approximately €205 million from 20 bilateral and multilateral financial institutions, foundations and African governments. Funding from donors since 2006 is made up as follows:
  • African Development Bank
  • Algeria
  • Australia
  • Austria
  • Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
  • Burkina Faso
  • Canada
  • Chad
  • Denmark
  • Egypt
  • European Union
  • France
  • Nigeria
  • Norway
  • Senegal
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • The Nordic Development Fund
  • United Kingdom
  • United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

Our Team

The African Water Facility is headquartered in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, and works with in the African Development Bank’s regional offices to deliver programs. The African Water Facility Secretariat administers applications, grants, partnerships and operations. The team of technical experts upraises projects, offers technical advice and monitors projects all the way to completion.
Team AWF


Mtchera Johannes Chirwa
Director, African Water Facility

Mr. Mtchera Johannes Chirwa is the Acting Director for Water Development and Sanitation at the African Development Bank Group and Coordinator of African Water Facility – a Bank-hosted special fund for water sector project preparation and promotion.

He oversees the delivery of the Bank Group’s strategy for water and sector portfolio in Africa and leads the operation of the African Water Facility. With over 30 years of experience in development, including 15 years in the water sector, he leads initiatives to support Africa’s water vision, working with international donors and partners to mobilize resources for water and sanitation programs. His extensive experience in development finance spans over 20 countries, focusing on policy reforms, strategic planning, and transboundary water projects. He is a Registered Civil Engineer with a Master's in Construction Project Management and is a Certified Project Management Professional.


Samuel Blazyk
Chief Programs and Coordination Officer
Foday Kargbo
Principal Finance and Admin Management Officer
Rolande Denise Sagbo-Kouamé
Team Assistant

Technical experts

Cecil Dulu Nundwe
Principal Water Resources Management Specialist
Dr. Debjyoty Mukherjee
Principal Public-Private Partnership Finance Specialist
Diane Arjoon
Principal Rural Water Security Officer
Fredrick Tumusiime
Principal Sanitation Specialist
Hellen Njiwa
Principal Monitoring, Evaluation and Project Portfolio Management Expert
Mary Ajayi
Communications Advisor
Maureen Ntege-Wasswa
Senior Water and Sanitation Engineer
Nicholas Azza
Water Resources Management Advisor
Peter Vos
African Urban Sanitation Investment Initiative Advisor
Simon Wreford-Howard
Resource Mobilisation Advisor