Our Donors

Since 2006, the African Water Facility has enjoyed the support of a wide variety of donors, ranging from OECD DAC Sovereigns, African Sovereigns, OECD DAC National Development Agencies, OECD DAC National Development Funds, International & Supranational Governmental Organizations, Philanthropic Foundations, as well as by the Facility’s administrative host – the African Development Bank.

Funding Windows and Quality of Funding

In accordance with the provisions of African Water Facility’s Resource Mobilization Strategy and Action Plan of February 2024, donors have a choice of four (4) funding windows to support the Facility’s operations.

In all cases, preference is given to Funding Window 1, and as multi-year core funding allows the Facility to optimize operational efficiencies.

 Funding WindowQuality of Funding
01Core FundingMulti-Year
02EarmarkedProgram Allocation
04Technical AssistanceMonetary and/or In-Kind
AWF Funding Window and Quality of Funding
Commitments, Pledges and Funding Targets

By March 2024, the African Water Facility mobilized over EUR 221.6 million in donor Commitments and Pledges, many of which were secured since early 2022, date of the implementation of AWF’s revised Strategy for 2017-2025.

AWF’s revised Strategy for 2017-2025 currently guides AWF’s increased resource mobilization and Advocacy efforts to not only secure AWF’s fully funded budget of EUR 62,5 million by end 2025, but also to finance AWF’s new pipeline of April 2022, requiring over EUR 300 million over the next 5 years, as well as to reach, over the next 10 years, the USD 320 million capitalization target of the African Urban Sanitation Investment Initiative (AUSII). See Fig.2:

Our Donors in Detail

By March 2024, AWF’s 22 donors are:

 DonorQuality of Funding
African Development BankNet income, administrative and in-kind support
AlgeriaCore support
Australia (DFAT/AUSAID)Core support
Austria (Ministry of Finance)Core support
Austria (Austrian Development Agency)Earmarked support
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF)Earmarked support to AUSII
Burkina FasoCore support
Canada (GAC/CIDA)Core support
ChadCore support
Denmark (Ministry of Foreign Affairs/DANIDA)Core and earmarked support
EgyptCore support
European Union (EuropeAid)Core support
France (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)Core support
France (Agence Française de Développement)Technical assistance
NigeriaCore support
Nordic Development Fund (NDF)Earmarked support to AWF and AUSII
Norway (NORAD)Core support
SenegalCore support
Spain (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Enterprise)Core support
Sweden (SIDA)Core support
United Kingdom (FCDO/DfID)Core support
USAIDCore support and Technical Assistance
For queries, please contact African Water Facility.
AWF Donor Contributions

By March 2024, AWF Donor Contributions are as below:

Total Contributions and Pledges to Date: EUR 221.6 million

AWF Donor Contribution 2006-2024* / 6 March 2024

* Includes recent support from BMGF (for AUSII) and Spain and expected support from ADA and NDF (for AUSII)

* Technical assistance for experts: Austria, Norway, Denmark, and France 

* African Sovereigns: Algeria, Burkina Faso, Chad, Egypt, Nigeria, and Senegal 

* Not computed: AfDB administrative and in-kind support of over EUR 26.3 million and recent technical assistance from France and Spain and USAID