Project History and Background
The Government of Swaziland, Ministry of Natural Resources and Energy, Department of Water Affairs intends to assess the feasibility for the construction of a multipurpose dam, whose main objective is to store water in order to provide potable water to the two growing cities of Mbabane and Manzini. In the meantime, the stored water could also be used for irrigation and for improving the output of runoff the river hydropower plants further downstream.
The Nondvo site, located on a tributary of the Lusushwana River was identified for this purpose based on an initial multi criteria selection process developed during the execution of the Joint Maputo River Basin Water Resources Study (JMRBWRS1; 2008) jointly undertaken by the Kingdom of Swaziland, the Republic of South Africa and the Republic of Mozambique.
Sectorial Priorities
The project corresponds well to the National Development Plan 2014/15 – 2016/17. The National Development Strategy (NDS) also confirms the government priority to improve storage capacity for renewable water resources through the development of two dams, the Nondvo dam being one of them. The project is also quoted in the Government Programme of Action 2013-2018. The project is also in line with the SADC strategies and the principles stated in by the Tripartite Interim Agreement between the 3 riparian countries of the Maputo River Basin.
Amongst the set of actions for supporting Government’s efforts to achieve broad-based sustainable growth the Bank’s Country Strategy Paper (CSP) pinpoints two specific approaches: (i) connecting people and regions to markets by upgrading infrastructure, (ii) providing clean water. Under the chapter of the CSP, titled Deliverables and Targets for the Pillar I, the Nondvo Dam project is quoted as a potential candidate for Bank Group financing.
The project is well aligned with AWF 2012-2016 strategy which focuses on the preparation of bankable projects to mobilise funding. The leverage effect of the project is estimated at about 65.