Background: The proposed operation involves a grant of up to 265,391 Euros to the Togolese Republic from the African Water Facility (AWF) Special Fund for the implementation of the Project to update and validate environmental and social impact studies for 31 semi-urban centres in Togo (PAVEIES-31CSUT). The project is a major contribution to the implementation of the government's 2025 roadmap. Its implementation will enable 31 urban centres in four regions of Togo to obtain funding for water infrastructure, thereby helping the population in semi-urban areas to increase their access to drinking water from 52.88% to 80%. It comprises two (2) components as follows: (i) Updating and validation of the environmental and social impact studies and the resettlement action plans; (ii) Project management. The products expected at the end of this project: (i) The ESIA and RAP study documents for the 31 semi-urban centres updated and validated by the ADB and ANGE; (ii) The environmental and social compliance certificates for the 31 semi-urban centres issued by ANGE/MERF; (iii) A monitoring and evaluation manual for SP-EAU drawn up and available. The estimated duration of the project is 12 months from the date of entry into force of the grant agreement.
Objectives: The project forms part of the general objective of putting in place the legislative framework needed to mobilise funds; more specifically (i) providing ESIAs, RAPs and environmental compliance certificates for 31 semi-urban centres, and (ii) drawing up a monitoring and evaluation manual for the SP-EAU.
Beneficiaries: The direct beneficiary of the project is the Togolese state through SP_EAU, which will have the environmental documents needed to mobilise funds to build drinking water and sanitation infrastructure for the remaining 31 urban centres. The indirect beneficiaries of the project are the populations of the 31 semi-urban centres, the targets of this project, estimated at 160,247 (2022), including 83,329 women and 76,919 men.