AWF Holds Talk on Hydro-Diplomacy at Stockholm Water Week


Cooperation and hydro-diplomacy in Africa will be at the top of AWF agenda during the 2013 edition of the Stockholm World Water Week
As part of the Africa Focus Day programme, the AWF will be bringing together a group of international water experts specialising in the management of water resources for a discussion on possible solutions for more effective pragmatic sharing of transboundary water resources on the African continent.

The event will take place Tuesday September 3, from 14:15 to 15:45, in room K2 of the Stockholmsmassan building, in Stockholm.

Africa Focus Day is organised by AMCOW and the African Union and is held all day

Download AWF programme (PDF)


  • Dr Akissa Bahri. African Water Facility (AWF), African Development Bank
  • Mr Teferra Beyene. Nile Basin Initiative (NBI)
  • Dr Ana Cascão. Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI)
  • Prof Mike Muller. South Africa’s National Planning Commission; University of Witwatersrand's Graduate School of Public and Development Management
  • Mr Gustavo Saltiel. Cooperation in International Waters (CIWA), World Bank
  •  Prof Patricia Wouters. Global Water Partnership TEC (Technical Experts Committee); Dundee UNESCO Centre for Water Law, Policy and Science