Call for Proposals: Climate Resilient Water and Sanitation Projects


The African Water Facility has embarked on a rigorous exercise to expand and build a strong pipeline of bankable projects for financing and enabling mobilisation of additional funding for the water and sanitation sector in Africa. This is in support of Africa Water Vision 2025, African Union Agenda 2063, Paris Agreement for climate action, and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Within its revised strategy, the African Water Facility is looking for high impact, transformative, catalytic, climate adaptation focused projects covering the following sector areas: 1. Water supply and sanitation (Urban and Rural). 2. Urban master planning (water supply, sanitation etc.,). 3. Urban-city-wide inclusive sanitation. 4. Climate change adaptation and ecosystem management. 5. Solid waste and faecal sludge management. 6. Multipurpose (water, hydropower, irrigation and ecosystem managements). 7. Transboundary/basin-level integrated water investment planning and governance.

Eligible applicants and respondents are African Governments, their agencies and organizations; Regional Economic Communities; River and Lake Basin Organisations. Applicants are requested to prepare and submit project concept notes (maximum five (5) pages) using the template annexed in the below proposal document.

Completed Project Concept Notes in either French or English language should be submitted through email only to [email protected] with copy to [email protected] and [email protected], no later than 5PM (GMT) on 30th April 2023, indicating ‘2023 Call for Proposals’ as the subject of the email. The African Water Facility will accept submission in Microsoft Word, or Adobe pdf formats.