Background: The rationale for the project is the need to increase access to safe, sustainable and inclusive sanitation and hygiene, with improved management of faecal sludge for people living in deprived urban communities in Uganda. The project forms as integral part of Government efforts to improve access to sustainable sanitation in line with the National Development Plan (NDP II) and Implementation Strategy (2017-2020). It supports preparation of feasibility studies and detailed engineering designs for ten (10) out of the fifty (50) town clusters recommended by the 2014 World Bank funded sector studies intended to facilitate delivery and access to sustainable faecal sludge management infrastructure and services in Ugandan urban centres. The Project demonstrates Government commitment to improve the quality of life and living conditions of Ugandans, and provides opportunity for better regional and town level sanitation planning, and increased sector investments in partnership with private sector financiers and development partners.
Objectives: The overall objective of the project is to contribute to increasing access to safe, sustainable and inclusive sanitation services, with improved hygiene and faecal sludge management services for people living in deprived urban areas in Uganda. The specific objectives are to contribute to: (a) increasing access to safe, sustainable and inclusive on site sanitation; (b) increasing access to efficient and sustainable faecal sludge management infrastructure and services; (c) creating opportunities for increased sub sector investments.
Description: The project will be implemented under two components with AWF support.
Component 1: Feasibility studies and engineering design consists of activities to provide opportunity to contribute to increasing sustainable access to faecal sludge management infrastructure and services for people living in un-sewered urban centres in Uganda. It involves studies, including socio economic, technical, institutional and financial assessments, campaigns, baseline studies and technical assessments, site selection and investigations, engineering design of collection and treatment infrastructure and services, and development of (a) innovative strategies to promote and market FS reuse products, and (b) investment and implementation plans to facilitate future investments, among others. Adoption of a PPP model for O & M, along with staff training shall contribute towards sustainable delivery of services.
Component 2: Project management involves project and knowledge management activities.
The project’s direct beneficiaries are the Town Councils, and Sector Ministries (5 MWE, and 20 WSDF and 10 Umbrella Organization regional staff). Following the realization of the downstream investments, the direct beneficiaries would be the (a) initial 1,017,400, and subsequently the 1,723,000 urban dwellers in small urban centres without adequate access to sustainable and inclusive sanitation, including faecal sludge management infrastructure and services. The study will contribute to the creation of about 300 new jobs likely to be created following the implementation of the downstream investment projects. Other indirect beneficiaries are Private Sector Operators, local NGOs and CBOs
Cost and financing: The AWF will co-finance the project along with the Recipient (Government of the Republic of Uganda through the Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE). AWF will contribute € 1,507,128 representing 76% of the total project cost of € 1,981,203. The Recipient will contribute the remaining €474,075. It is expected that the Project will commence in April 2019 and be implemented over a total duration of 30 months.
Recommendation: It is recommended that a Grant not exceeding €1,507,128 from the African Water Facility Special Fund be awarded to the Republic of Uganda for the implementation of the project as described in this appraisal report