Background: The Support Project to Build Resilience to Climate Change and COVID-19 aims to create a favourable environment for the population of Bamako City to have access to efficient water supply, sanitation, and hygiene services to build resilience to climate change and combat the spread of COVID-19. The project was developed within the framework of the implementation of the Regional Programme to Combat COVID-19 and Build Resilience to Climate Change Through Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Services. It comprises three components, namely: (i) COVID-19 Rapid Response and Prevention Measures; (ii) Investment Planning and Water Resources Management; and (iii) Capacity Building and Project Coordination and Management. The project will be implemented over 30 months. Its implementation will help to develop climate-smart infrastructure and conduct studies aimed at ensuring universal access to water in the capital city upon completion of Phase 3 of the Kabala project. Its implementation will also help to build the capacity of SOMAPEP-SA and SOMAGEP-SA to manage drinking water services. The total project cost is estimated at EUR 2 004 268.76, of which EUR 1 653 768.00 from the AWF and EUR 350 500.76 from the Government of Mali.
Objectives: The overall project objective is to contribute to building the resilience of women and men in Bamako City to climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic through the sustainable improvement of drinking water, hygiene, and sanitation systems.
Beneficiaries: The direct project beneficiaries will be Municipalities I, III, V and VI of Bamako and Kalabancoro which, by 2025, will be provided with drinking water supply networks, latrines, piezometric boreholes, hand-washing facilities and, more importantly, comprehensive studies to be used for the construction of infrastructure to supply drinking water from Kabala to more than 2 million people, 50% of them women, in Municipalities I and III. The works to be executed under the project will help to create about 650 direct job opportunities, 50% of them for women. The indirect project beneficiaries will be the other municipalities of Bamako City with a population of about 1 million.