Mali - Climate Change and Covid-19 - Resilient Drinking Water Supply And Sanitation Support Project In The Kayes Region And Kati Circle



Background: This intervention concerns the Climate-Change and Covid-19-Resilient Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Support Project in The Kayes Region and Kati Circle. It aims to contribute to the improvement of rural communities’ living conditions in Kayes Region and Kati Circle by facilitating access to climate-change and COVID-19 resilient drinking water supply, hygiene and sanitation. Its implementation will provide smart, climate-change resilient infrastructure as well as feasibility and detailed design studies aimed at providing universal water coverage throughout the Kayes and Koulikoro Regions. This project will also provide an opportunity for DNH to acquire institutional and organisational capacity in terms of public water service and IWRM. It comprises the following three components: (i) immediate interventions and COVID-19 preventive measures; (ii) investment planning and water resources management; and (iii) capacity building, project coordination and management.

Objectives: The project objective is to build the resilience of men and women in the Kayes Region and Kati Circle to climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic through the sustainable improvement of DWSS systems.

Beneficiaries: Overall, the project will directly benefit 438,700 persons in the Kayes and Koulikoro Regions. In terms of sustainably managed access to drinking water, 46,487 people from which 50% women from the 30 localities (20 villages located in 9 municipalities in Kayes Region and a further 10 within 6 municipalities in Kati Circle) will receive an improved and sustainably managed service by 2025. The 30 localities concerned will benefit from a “modern village” concept installation, multifunctional centres for women, hand-washing devices and piezometers as well as comprehensive studies required for investments aiming at improving drinking water supply for 675,000 people in the Kayes and Koulikoro Regions.