Nigeria - Komadugu Yobe strategic action plan - additional environmental and social impact assessment studies



Background: This intervention aims to engender sustainable development of the water resources of Komadugu-Yobe Basin for social and economic well-being of the population living in the basin. The water resources development strategic plan provides the investment road map from the short to long term period (2016-2040) and the institutional framework for implementing and managing the river basin development programme. The program will enable the six states and Federal Government to undertake long-term development activities that will fundamentally change the socio-economic conditions in the basin and spur sustainable inclusive growth. The program will contribute to strengthen the collaborative relationship between Nigeria and neighbouring states on the joint management of the KYB water resources for mutual benefit for both countries. The main outcome of the project is resources mobilised to finance an investment plan for the development of priority water resources projects over a period of 5 years from 2023-2040. The main outputs of the original Project included (i) KYB water resources development Strategic Action Plan that provides short, medium and long-term actions up to 2040; (ii) modified reservoir operation rules for the reoperation of Tiga and Challawa Gorge Dams and (iii) priority investment projects for implementation over the period 2015-2020.

Objectives: The objective of the project is to enhance readiness of the investment program for the sustainable development of water resources of the Komadugu-Yobe basin by creating the enabling environment to mobilize resources for implementation of priority water resources projects in the basin.

Beneficiaries: The beneficiaries of the investment program are the 15 million people living in the riparian communities in the basin who will be supported to improve their livelihoods and thereby engender socio-economic growth from the integrated development of the water resources of the basin. The direct stakeholders in the program are the Federal Ministries responsible for water, environment, agriculture and rural development; the six state governments; the communities living along the river as well as in the river basin; the urban centres. Public consultations for the program started during the pre-feasibility studies stage and continued with the SESA and ESIA studies.